Asia-Pacific Summer School on
Smart Structures Technology


2015 US
   Lecture Materials
   Lab Materials
   Program Flyer (pdf)

2014 Taiwan
   Program Flyer (pdf)

2013 South Korea
   Program Flyer (pdf)

2012 India
   Program Flyer (pdf)

2011 China
   Program Flyer (pdf)

2010 Japan
   Program Flyer (pdf)

2009 US
   Schedule (pdf)
   Labs – Photos
   Competition – Photos
   Tours and Trips
   Group Photos
   Participant List (pdf)
   Program Flyer (pdf)
   Student Feedback

2008 South Korea
   Schedule (pdf)
   Labs – Photos
   Competition – Photos
   Tours and Trips
   Korean Website
   Program Flyer (pdf)
   Student Feedback

About the APSS Program

Smart Structures Technology

As sensor technology is improving and sensor cost is decreasing, their application in the modern world is increasingly widespread. Everything from cars to laptop computers include sensors to improve their performance based on information feedback. Structures instrumented with sensors are able to communicate their current condition to a data acquisition system in the form of accelerations, displacements, strains, etc., depending on the sensor type. This information can be used in real-time to control a damping system during severe earthquake or wind loads or assess the health of a structure after such events. In the long term, sensors can track the degradation of structures to plan maintenance work. Instrumentation of full scale structures is a daunting task involving a push for improved technology and understanding in areas of structural dynamics, control systems, circuit technology, wireless technology, and informatics, to name a few.

Golden Gate Bridge

Role of the APSS Program

Traditional civil engineering curriculum only exposes students to the range of the contributing disciplines to smart structures technology in a limited fashion. The APSS program aims to lessen the barriers that divide these disciplines through a student oriented international summer program. Graduate students each from the US, Korea, Japan, China, India, and Taiwan, sponsored by the organizations NSF, KOSEF/SISTeC, JST, NNSFC, and IUSSTF, respectively will join together for three weeks of focused activities related to smart structures technology. The curriculum will be oriented to address any gaps in education which are necessary for the advancement of the field.

The international approach is to recognize both the achievements of the participating nations in smart structures technology as well as a common desire to pioneer a structured educational framework. Through this program, participants will be exposed to leaders in the field, both domestic and international. Contacts with these faculty as well as fellow participants is intended to inspire students to continue to pursue international collaborative research.

APSS Activities

Through this three week program of coursework, lectures, labs, and site visits, civil engineering graduate students will learn about smart structures technology in an international setting. The curriculum will address the hardware, software, data informatics, and applications of smart structures technology. Laboratory experiences and site visits will extend knowledge beyond the classroom, providing students with practical, first hand experience.

In addition, arts, history, and language activities will be included in the camp program. Students are expected to gain valuable experience of global engagement through emersion in a culturally rich learning environment.

Coordinating and Funding Organizations

The US participation in the APSS program is coordinated by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Funding for the US participation in the APSS program is provided by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of APSS coordinators and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

NSF Logo

The applicants will in no way be barred from participating or discriminated against while participating based on race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


The website is maintained by Gaston Fermandois-Cornejo, Smart Structures Technology Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. E-mail: