Xintao WANG
Xintao WANG 

Former Visiting PhD Student
PhD Student, Zhejiang University
B119 Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory
205 N. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61820
Ph: (+1)2173050570, (+86)15068170673
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
BS., Civil Engineering
Research Interests
Modal Parameters Identification of Flexible Pretension Structures
(1) Application of NExt-ERA in the modal parameters identification of cable dome structure;
(2) Optimization of sensors and excitations placement for the modal parameters identification;
(3) Mode jumping and mode localization of cable dome structure;
Stiffness Analysis and Evaluation of Flexible Pretension Structures
(1) Key stiffness extraction and monitoring of cable dome structure;
(2) Stiffness compensation of cable dome structure;
Structural Damage Detection
Time-domain response and FRFs based damage detection using principal component analysis (PCA)
Link to Google Scholar Profile